Activo! – Community Health Program

Spring 2013 |

Worked with a team here at ASU and Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico.  We created a health and fitness solution in a developing community in Toluca Mexico. We chose to focus on 6-12th grade students at their school as this was the most deficient group.

Our solution was to implement a fitness program Activo! to engage students by involving them in their fitness activities and educating them on how their hard work effects their health.


The concept utilizes fitness cards, with the students use to select 4 activities at the beginning of the week. The school schedules and coordinates these activities for the students. During the next weeks planning session a health specialist goes over the health impacts from the previous weeks activities and progress is documented.

The problem was a high rate of obesity, diabetes, and general lack of knowledge on the link between nutrition, fitness and overall health.

We began by creating a Mind Map to flush out all the aspects we thought could effect the health and fitness on the community we were working with.

Health & Wellness

Next Conceptual Framework was used to understand the interactions between the areas we wanted to focus on. We worked with our team in Mexico to better understand how each aspect affected community members.


We completed SET Factor (Social – Economic – Technology) and Value Opportunity Analysis to take our framework futher and understand what current aspects could be improved upon and what tools we could use to do so.

A Task Analysis was completed on our theoretical solution.


We also completed problem and solution Storyboards to put ourselves in the midset of an imagined student and how our program could affect their lives.



Once we had a solid concept we created a Branding Model for our project.





Next our team in Mexico helped us with the Value Proposition of our concept.

A Business Model Canvas was used along with a Sunflower Diagram to further understand how the program would fit into the community and where connections were going to be made.


Lastly our Technology Roadmap gave us the opportunity to conceptualize how different fazes and ideas could be laid out over time and how each phase effected others.

